Gabrielle Alvarez </br><p class="classtitle"> Makeup as Self-Expression </p><p class="classdate"><br><br>Now on demand!</p>

Gabrielle Alvarez

Makeup as Self-Expression

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Class Details: There are plenty of ways out there to do your makeup application in a way that flatters your features, but as an artist, I do feel that this can be a bit repetitive and dull over time. I want to discuss how we can use makeup as a tool for greater self-expression, without as much focus on always being the most flattering, because in the ever-changing and trending industry of beauty, there is only one constant: your truest self.

Instagram:  thegabriellealvarez

Class Duration & Type: 60 min. ZOOM Interactive Demonstration.

On Demand! Once you purchase you will see a link for your video at your checkout completion screen. You will also receive an email from, check your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox. Save this email as it is your only access to your purchased content! 

Bio: Gabrielle Alvarez is a professional makeup artist residing and working in Los Angeles. Working with primarily beauty and fashion brands in the area, Gabi (as she is usually called), explores bridging the gap between art and makeup in every project she is a part of, working to change the way the industry is typically viewed. When she is not on set or creating content, she likes to cook and go thrift shopping all around the LA area.